Effective Jan31th 2023, the current GOfermentor App used for remote monitoring and control of GOfermentor NET and JR (both Android and ios) will not function. Support for this version is being discontinued by our service provider.
The good news that the new version has more capabilities and easier installation. All users need to upgrade to the new version as soon as possible. This will require a USB connection to the GOfermentor controller to a windows PC to upload new firmware. A new app will need to be downloaded. Detailed instructions and firmware download files are on our website www.GOfermentor.com/support. Then click on the DOWNLOADS tab. Please download and review the instructions on this page. Please also download new manuals from the MANUALS tab. They document many new features.
Tech support is there to help you by phone (908 432 8698 7am-3pm EST), or email (tech@GOfermentor.com ) if you have questions or issues.
We continue to offer the app free of any subscription charges. Thank you for being a loyal GOfermentor customer.