Research Studies

Research Study done at the University of Torino, Piedmont Italy

"In conclusion, the GOfermentor system can express the best potential in the production of young red wines, or aged wines from grapes which not require an intense (hard) extraction process. The system is useful also when conducting vinifications using moderate amounts of grapes (less than 900 kg). In addition, the GOfermentor system can be a valuable tool for experimental vinification thanks to the high automation that makes the technological effects reproducible, and to the single-use bag that allows a clean production environment in each vinification."-- Professor Enzo Cagnasso

Complete Study


Supplemental report


Side by side Research Study done at the VITEC Institute in Priorat, Spain


"GOfermentor present more red fruits than the ones produced with our microvinification process. The color extraction with GOfermentor system was appropriate, obtaining wines with a good color."



Complete Study

Comments from the winemakers who tried the GOfermentor in 2015

We worked with 15 wineries for the commercial trial of the GOfermentor in 2015. The result suggest that the GOfermentor extracts more flavor, making fruit forward quality wine, because the winemaker has more control over the environment in which the wine is made. Here are some of the comments from the winemakers.

"I can't really think of one disadvantage. The results were good."-- Richard Sowalsky, Head Winemaker, Mark Koehn, Production Manager, Clos Pegas Napa CA


Read all the winemakers comments